A Prayer Blog Written by Kansas City Dietitian Glenna Moe

A Prayer Blog Written by Kansas City Dietitian Glenna Moe

Recently I have been thinking a lot about temptations. I continue to be shaken by people who suffer greatly by falling prey to temptations. 

Every day I meet with wonderful people.  Because I am a dietitian they are meeting with me to gain insight into better ways to nourish their bodies.

And every day I watch the faces of people who are addicted.  They are in emotional anguish because I have suggested that they would be healthier if they changed their diets.  They are addicted to the immediate gratification of eating certain unhealthy foods.  When I see their faces it makes me feel sad.  These are hurting people. 

I don’t have the answer.  However, I do know that if you believe in God then it is time for you to call upon Him to help you master your addictions. 

If you find that there are foods that you cannot live without but you know that they are very bad for you then start each and every day with this short prayer.  “Dear Heavenly Father, give me strength today to walk away from my dependence on _______. “  Pray sincerely and watch God work.

I pray for the people I meet with.  If you would like for me to pray for something specific for you, send me an email.   

I hope your Sunday is a blessed one.  Sunday is a good day to pause and give thanks.

I am thankful for you!

Mary Kate Meyer, MS, RDN, LD

Registered Dietitian

Hi, I’m Mary Kate. I love to try new foods and explore new restaurants and coffee shops, and even went on a homemade bagel-making kick this summer! My interest in nutrition started in middle school with my mom adding more veggies to our meals and making them taste interesting and fun, which sparked my interest to help her cook and learn more about how the food we eat impacts us every day. Over the years, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact that proper nutrition and daily fueling can have on overall health. Like many of my clients, I have faced challenges with my own gut health and hormonal changes, so I can relate to the frustrations and fatigue that come with seeking relief. Through personalized care and tailored nutrition, I discovered the keys to my health, and my goal is to help others bring their sense of vitality back! 


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Mary Kate Meyer, MS, RDN, LD

Registered Dietitian


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