Trader Joe’s Tuna Pesto Salad

Happy Take Your Child to Work Day!



In honor of take your child to work day I thought I would share a lunch-friendly recipe.  Let me start by saying, I love tuna. Tuna salad is one of the few quick meals that both my husband and I really enjoy. When I worked in the corporate world I had the unfortunate pleasure of sitting near a woman who also LOVED tuna. She would crack open a can, any time of the day, with no warning! We all know it, no matter how much you like tuna, it can definitely stink up an area. But my co-worker had the right idea, tuna can be a great lunch option. It is a lean source of protein and high in Omega-3 fatty acids (the healthy fats). My pesto tuna salad recipe is definitely lunchbox-worthy but please be kind to your coworkers and enjoy it in a well-ventilated area.


On a recent shopping trip to Trader Joe’s I spotted their new (or at least it was new to me) Pesto and Quinoa spread. The price was right, so I decided to give it a try.  After successfully trying it as a meat marinade I decided it was time to venture out, so I created this Pesto Tuna Salad.

Pesto Tuna Salad
Pesto Tuna Salad

Pesto Tuna Salad

1          can chunk light tuna, canned in water, drained

2          Tablespoons plain Greek yogurt (or mayonnaise)

2          Tablespoons Trader Joe’s Quinoa and Pesto

1          Tablespoon shredded parmesan cheese (optional)

1          teaspoon olive oil ( I recommend a flavored olive oil, I used a Tuscan infused oil and it was perfect!)


Mix all of the ingredients together in a medium bowl. Serve warm or chilled.


Tip: You can also make this with pasta for a tuna pesto pasta salad (say that five times fast). Add 2 cups cooked whole wheat pasta and add an extra tablespoon of both the greek yogurt and pesto.

Mary Kate Meyer, MS, RDN, LD

Registered Dietitian

Hi, I’m Mary Kate. I love to try new foods and explore new restaurants and coffee shops, and even went on a homemade bagel-making kick this summer! My interest in nutrition started in middle school with my mom adding more veggies to our meals and making them taste interesting and fun, which sparked my interest to help her cook and learn more about how the food we eat impacts us every day. Over the years, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact that proper nutrition and daily fueling can have on overall health. Like many of my clients, I have faced challenges with my own gut health and hormonal changes, so I can relate to the frustrations and fatigue that come with seeking relief. Through personalized care and tailored nutrition, I discovered the keys to my health, and my goal is to help others bring their sense of vitality back! 


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Mary Kate Meyer, MS, RDN, LD

Registered Dietitian


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