Read each of the following and select the meal that has the fewest calories.
Breakfast A:
1 cup of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries
½ cup granola
¼ cup almonds
1 cup skim milk
=2 3.4 cup of food
Breakfast B:
1 sausage and egg biscuit
Which of these two breakfasts has the fewest calories?
Ding! Ding! Ding!
You are correct. The big breakfast full of color and nutrients has 430 calories.
The little bitty 1 lousy biscuit breakfast has 550 calories.
After taking a statistical sampling of opinions of dietitians who are registered members of the American Dietetic Association, all but one of the respondents recommended Breakfast A. (The one dietitian that recommended Breakfast B is employed by the largest fast food company in the entire world, not to mention any names.)
Remember my friend Sue? Guess what she has been eating for breakfast for the last few years. If she changes her breakfast from B to A she will lose 1 pound per month, which adds up to 12 pounds per year. She doesn’t have to diet or starve herself. She also doesn’t have to spend money on gas.
Once again Wonder Dietitian saves the world, one breakfast at a time.