Fresh vegetables in August mean canning season!
When I think of canning the descriptors sweating, clammy skin, hard work come to mind.
Are you picturing canned tomatoes, canned green beans, canned corn, canned peaches, canned pears…
You thought old WD had lost her edge, didn’t you? You thought I was going to give you a dull lesson in the virtues of growing your own fruits and veggies and “putting them up for the winter.”
Ha! Not me.
I’m talking about the hard work of “CANNING.”
It is the hardest work you will ever try. And it will make you sweat and your skin clammy.
“Canning” is putting your mind to work over the “wannas” that surround you.
I wanna burger and fries but I “Can” choose a plate of fresh veggies.
“Canning” is repeating over and over in your head, “I can do this!”
“Canning” is saying “No” to the treats that surround you.
“Canning” is the opposite of “I will start my diet tomorrow.”
“Canning” is done one thought at a time. One bite at a time.
“Canning” is saying I can take one bite of a vegetable that I don’t like.
“Canning” is eating greek yogurt for lunch instead of a burger.
Folks, it’s August! It’s the peak season for “Canning” before the cold winter sets in.
Prepare for winter by “Canning” yourself healthy! (Not to be confused with stuffing yourself into a jar.)
Wanna “Can” with me?
Luv, WD
The “Canning” fool not to be confused with the Kansas City Dietitian